Welcome to My Experiment in Simplifying my Life

Hello and welcome to my experiment.

I decided that my life has gotten way too fast and way too complex. I realize that I am missing many of the most important things because I am moving way too fast to appreciate the simple things in life. So, I have decided that in 2011, I am going to do nothing that is overly complex, will return to eating simple, healthy foods, looking for the simple solutions to every day problems and learn to appreciate the very simple pleasures of being a wife and mother in 2011 and I'm going to blog about it....the simple way.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

Thank you for sending the cold/flu to my family this Christmas. Like many others, almost our entire family was sick this Christmas. This could have made us do many things like...freak out, drag sick people around infecting others or make ourselves sick trying to be ready for the holidays. My family did something else...we accepted where we were and got the opportunity to appreciate a few things we might have missed like:
  • My 2 year old nephew letting me wipe his nose and giving me a hug after with those sweet little arms full of love.
  • The fact that my beautiful husband willingly gets up in the middle of the night to clean up puke from our floors.
  • The way that hot water and lemon feels on a scratchy throat.
  • The smile of a child who got "the" gift that they wanted and are content.
  • The willingness of everyone to pitch in and help the host of our Christmas festivities even though we were all sick too.
  • The abandonment of a traditional turkey dinner over take out Chinese so that we could spend the small amount of time we had together, not cooking and cleaning.
  • The love that we all have for each other and the fact that being together was enough.
Although it was most certainly a Christmas where the good things needed to be looked for, I can say as I snuggle up to my toasty warm husband with a cup of hot water and lemon and a box of kleenex, that I couldn't ask for anything better.

So thank you Santa for the ability to slow down and enjoy some of the beautiful things in my life.



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