Welcome to My Experiment in Simplifying my Life

Hello and welcome to my experiment.

I decided that my life has gotten way too fast and way too complex. I realize that I am missing many of the most important things because I am moving way too fast to appreciate the simple things in life. So, I have decided that in 2011, I am going to do nothing that is overly complex, will return to eating simple, healthy foods, looking for the simple solutions to every day problems and learn to appreciate the very simple pleasures of being a wife and mother in 2011 and I'm going to blog about it....the simple way.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

So I watched Hoarders....

I have to tell you that show is messed up. I've been hearing people talk about it for ages and I finally watched an episode in the name of research for my decluttering experiment. I cannot tell you how upset I was for the people on that show. I thought I was bad with my 4 year old shrimp sauce in my fridge but wow....I've never seen anything like it.

I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that our possessions define us far more than I realized and they seem to define us more by what we buy and what we keep than the status of the actual possession. I mean a BMW is still a BMW but I'm really starting to see that the less you have the more you seem to appreciate. I have been throwing things out willy nilly and realized that unlike those Hoarders, I have no real attachment to my stuff because I am a) frighteningly practical and b) I can't stand mess. So if something doesn't have a good use or I am totally in love with it, it goes...plain and simple. I am finding that I am looking around my house and seeing the things that I keep and absolutely loving everything I see. I am beginning to feel like my home is starting to really define me.

So to all of you Hoarders out there, hiding behind a wall of crap that you don't need and don't love doesn't make life easier, doesn't make you a better person and sure as hell doesn't give you status. Go and get some help and surround yourself with things you love and you will feel so much better about yourself!

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