Welcome to My Experiment in Simplifying my Life

Hello and welcome to my experiment.

I decided that my life has gotten way too fast and way too complex. I realize that I am missing many of the most important things because I am moving way too fast to appreciate the simple things in life. So, I have decided that in 2011, I am going to do nothing that is overly complex, will return to eating simple, healthy foods, looking for the simple solutions to every day problems and learn to appreciate the very simple pleasures of being a wife and mother in 2011 and I'm going to blog about it....the simple way.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Good God I have a lot of crap....

Day 1 of the January de-clutter started today with the swift and tidy removal of the Christmas tree and decorations. This year I was smart. When I took down all of the decorations, I put them into separate boxes. A box for ornaments I love, a box for ornaments that the kids have made that may never go on the tree again and a box of all of those oddball ornaments that get collected in life. That box only made it as far as the recycling bin and I feel lighter already.

It's also get the kids ready to go back to school day and I have implemented a new system. I rearranged the fridge that now has a full shelf ready for lunches that will be now made the day before. As part of the de cluttering, I felt that the fridge should also get top billing. I cleaned out all of the old sauces and dips and junk that have collected over the last year. I found a jar of shrimp sauce from 2006! Totally gross.

I can't tell you how good it felt to throw out all of the ingredients like capers, asiago bread dip and 3 different teriyaki sauces that all sound the same but are ever so slightly different. It almost made me feel like I now have permission to cook more simply without the pressure of all those finicky ingredients!

So simple tip number 1....keep what you love and throw away the rest...you honestly won't miss it...think shrimp sauce circa 2006!

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