Welcome to My Experiment in Simplifying my Life

Hello and welcome to my experiment.

I decided that my life has gotten way too fast and way too complex. I realize that I am missing many of the most important things because I am moving way too fast to appreciate the simple things in life. So, I have decided that in 2011, I am going to do nothing that is overly complex, will return to eating simple, healthy foods, looking for the simple solutions to every day problems and learn to appreciate the very simple pleasures of being a wife and mother in 2011 and I'm going to blog about it....the simple way.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Simplicity is not as simple as I thought!

You know something, I had plans for 2011...I mean big plans...plans that included simplifying my life in all areas, focusing on needs not wants, enjoying good health, family, friends etc and blogging about it. That DID NOT happen!

Oh I simplified, but I didn't blog about it. Why you ask? Well the short answer is that I didn't think it was exciting enough for anyone to actually care. So I gave up. I mean do you really care that I cleaned out my closets or that I managed to get rid of the boxes in my basement that I have moved 3 times and never opened? Do you care that I cut out processed foods and STILL struggle to eat unless I'm at home? It appears from what I am hearing that you do...you actually DO care. So today I begin blogging again.

So what do you need to know from my experiment last year? You need to know that simplicity is NOT simple. It's hard...I mean uber....Arnold Schwartzeneger Terminator hard. It is an ongoing battle between you and society....an ongoing "gone back to highschool popularity contest" hard. It is a constant battle between those adorable glittery Nine West Slingbacks that you might wear once...but they are soooooo on sale and actually enjoying the room in your closet and wearing EVERYTHING you own. It is a constant battle between enjoying a simple soup of locally grown vegetables and organic bread and stopping at McDonald's  on your way home from a busy day to scarf down a BIG MAC while texting and driving.

Simplicity is not simple but it IS deeply satisying. So give it a shot. Start with one thing...get rid of the late night stops for a Big Mac....actually cook one night a week....use a crockpot.....talk to your family while cooking....better yet....get them to help. Eat something warm and follow it up with cookies because everything  is better with cookies....start simply and see where  it takes you.

I wish you a simply beautiful 2012...with cookies!